About Me
I’m Harmonie, a freelance writer and passionate foodie. I’ve always held a special place in my heart for food. As a child, my parents joked that I had holes in my toes because I ate so much. I wasn’t one of those kids that needed negotiation to finish their dinner. I was the kid going back for seconds… or thirds!
My mum decided that once we were old enough to reach the bench we could make our own lunch for school. So, from an early age I was experimenting with food and exploring different flavour combinations. Some worked (peanut butter and banana, yum!), some didn’t (peanut butter and jam, good. Peanut butter, jam and vegemite… not so good).
When I got to my teens, my dad and grandma started teaching me how to cook. After all, one day I’d leave home and need to know how to feed myself. Especially with my appetite! So once a week I had free reign of what the family ate. My dad and grandma would leave me to cook, but were always around to give me pointers.
As an adult, I am even more passionate about food. It’s probably my favourite thing in the world. To the point where I write this blog just to talk about it! I’m the type of person who looks at the menu of a restaurant before I get there because I know it’ll take me ages to decide otherwise. I love sharing platters and tapas as they mean I can try a bit of everything. And I’ll take grocery shopping over clothes shopping any day! I love food.
Whether it’s a chicken curry, chocolate brownies or my morning porridge, I try to keep flavour and nutrition in mind. That’s not to say I’m a hard core health fanatic who relies on ‘superfoods’ (they’re not a thing btw…) and fad diets. You’ll still find sugar, butter and gluten in my kitchen. I believe it’s all about balance when it comes to food.
What’s with the blog?
I am so grateful for the freedom I was given to explore and build my relationship with food during my childhood. However, I know not everyone was given this opportunity or just isn’t as passionate about food as I am.
Sometimes it’s hard to find food that fits your preferred diet. Or perhaps you weren’t taught the basic skills to cook for yourself. Since moving to London, I’ve noticed a huge dependence on ready meals, takeaway and convenience food. Everyone’s just too busy to cook!
So, the aim of this blog is to teach you the skills you need to cook and enjoy food. Whether it’s how to chop an onion, make a basic white sauce or understand the difference between herbs and spices, I want to help you feel confident in the kitchen.
Perhaps you’ve just moved out of your parents place, you want to know how to feed your family on a budget or you just want to work on your relationship with food. Whatever your situation, I want to help you get there, whilst cooking some delicious food along the way.